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This precious family needs no introduction :-) If you’ve been following our blog for a while you’ll notice that these cute mugs look pretty familiar!  We’ve had the honor of shooting the Smart/Collins family a number of times . . . a wedding, bridal session, 2 years of family portraits, and in the last six months, a maternity & newborn session.  Yep. These guys might as well have their own category on our blog. LOL!  This year we met up with them at Encanto Park in Phoenix for their annual photo session.  Meghan, Matt, Erryn, Molly & Lydia are always a blast to shoot and hang with, and this year we were joined by the newest member of the group, Meghan & Matt’s adorable little man Madden.

(Please click here if you’d like to be notified when the rest of their photos are online.)
And don’t forget to click “love” under your favorite images along the way!

They went with a fun “picnic at the park” theme which included a picnic basket, father-son bow ties and fun colored balloons!  Sadly, the balloons decided to fly away before we even had a chance to take any shots of them, but we had a wonderful time anyway :-)

It took a bit for Madden to warm up to the camera, but his slightly suspicious look made it pretty darn adorable so it didn’t really matter much to us :-)

Oh the lengths you go to to make a kid smile. LOL! Love it!

It’s clear to see where this little man gets his good looks :-)

Madden is one lucky boy to be surrounded by so many beautiful ladies that clearly adore him.

Watching them all swoon over him is beyond adorable!

Love this little behind the scenes moment Lydia & Molly trying to get Madden to laugh! Spirit fingers perhaps? LOL!

While the gals were laughing it up, the boys were having a little one-on-one time.

Workin’ it. Even the little man can strut his serious face.

The girls each requested a shot with the little man.

And Molly got a little creative with hers :-)

If you can’t beat em’ . . . join em’ :-)

Having a baby hasn’t changed these two a bit! There’s still just a couple of crazy kids in love :-)

Totally in love with this one :-)

To the Smart/Collins bunch: Thanks for another wonderful opportunity to hang out with you guys! We love you guys a ton!

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Smart/Collins Family Portrait Session: Encanto Park

May 30, 2012

May 30

May 30, 2012

Families, Portraits


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