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They’re here!!!  The photos from our Shooting Workshop in the streets of New Orleans!

We were lucky enough to be part of this awesome workshop led by two of the sweetest and most gifted photographers we know, Jeff and Erin Youngren from San Diego, California.  We also had a wonderful opportunity to sit down and have lunch with them in between speaking sessions during the conference.  They are such amazing photographers and people.  We learned so much from just spending a couple hours with them!

It was a little tough to drag ourselves out of bed the morning of the shoot at 6:00 am (4:00 am our time) but we knew how much fun we were going to have with all these guys.  There were a total of 30 photographer’s shooting away at two amazing models.  While it could be a little intimidating to most people, Zack and Jody, were total rockstars the whole time.  They are from Nashville, Tennessee and are another awesome husband and wife photography team known as Gray Photography.

We knew it was going to be fabulous shoot when these were some of the first few shots we got.  They’re kinda similar, but we just couldn’t decide with one we liked better  – so you get to see them both :-)

If you could be ridiculously good looking for a living, they would be pros.

We loved that you can see the two guys behind the truck in the background smiling at Zack and Jody with all their paparazzi.


I’ll try not to comment on every single photo, I promise.  This is the super sweet and talented Erin :-)

New Orleans is truly a photographer’s dream . . . and it doesn’t hurt to have two good looking people to help show it off!

Zack and Jody just got iPhones a couple weeks before PartnerCon and I think they were tweeting about how many people were taking their pictures at the moment.

This is one of my favorites form the whole shoot.  She could seriously pose for for any fashion magazine.  Elegant yet edgy.

By looking at these shots, you’d never know there were 30 of us out there shooting the same couple.

And of course, we had to throw in a shot of Jeff.  He is also incredibly nice, hilarious, talented, and he’s a bio chemist so, yeah, he’s a genius too.  I love Zack and Jody in the background as Jeff tried to get a little camera time of his own.

Their personalities really show through in this next series.  They are a lot of fun!  I loved how they could switch so quickly from serious to hillarious!

I love how Jody is looking at Zack in this shot.  You can just see how much she loves him.  She’s  so proud of her man.

I would love to know what product Zack uses in his hair.  I looks pretty rad, I wish I could get my hair to look like that.

Jeff and Erin had some volunteers in the group set up shots too.  This one was set up by my favorite photographer in the world . . . DENISE!

Another favorite.  Such a great connection between them.

Here’s a shot Denise grabbed of the whole group. Jeff and Erin are up front giving some instructions to our models.  And who’s that handsome guy in the white shirt over by the pole?  I bet that guy’s awesome.

One of the locals saw us shooting in the corridor and invited us into her private courtyard to take some shots there.  Such nice people in NOLA!  Really loved the exposed brick wall.

A huge thanks to the Youngren’s, the Gray’s and to Pictage for putting together this awesome event.  We had such a blast, met tons of awesome people and learned so much!  This workshop was definitely one of the highlights of our week and we feel so blessed to have had a chance to be apart of it.  We’ll be posting one more set of shots from our trip in the next couple days so stay tuned!

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Zack & Jody’s Bridal Session: New Orleans (PartnerCon Workshop)

November 18, 2009

Nov 18

November 18, 2009

Bridal Sessions, Travel, Weddings


  1. Jeff says:

    LOVE your images! You guys rocked it at the shoot!! It was so great to meet you guys (finally) in NOLA – we can’t wait till the next time we can hang out. :)

  2. Krissy says:

    WOW! What a cool couple! My favorite is the one near the end where she’s leaning on the gate. Awesome job, guys!

    (And I HAVE heard that that one guy in the white shirt is awesome, BTW. A bit strange, but still, very awesome.)

  3. Jody Gray says:

    Ahhhhhh!!! These are fab and we love them ! Sooo great!
    Awesome color! (I just caught your note on Facebook about this blog post. Ah! :)

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