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In honor of Easter, we decided it would be fun to have our readers do a little “Virtual Easter Egg Hunt” on our new website!  There will be six Easter eggs hidden on different pages of the site – your job is to find as many as you can.  Whoever finds the most eggs will win a $50 American Express Gift Card! Woo-hoo! If there is a tie, it’s raffle time again!  So here’s what you do:

1) Click on the “website” link on the menu bar at the top of our blog.

2) Find as many Easter Eggs as you can – they could be hidden anywhere so make sure you look around a bit.  And be sure to submit even if you can’t find them all.  There’s a good chance that no one will find all six.  Here’s a little sample of what they look like but different sizes:

3) Come back here and enter the contest by telling us where you found them on the easy form below.  Don’t worry too much about exactly how to describe each location – just keep it simple so we’ll get the idea.  (Example: Ryan & Denise page, by HGTV logo)

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As long as you submit your entry before midnight on Easter Sunday, you’ll qualify for a chance to win.

Happy Easter everybody!


**** Post updated 4/26/11: And the winner is . . . . Liz Bonnice!  Congratulations Liz!  We’ll be contacting you to arrange for delivery of your prize :-)


Virtual Easter Egg Hunt!

April 20, 2011

Apr 20

April 20, 2011



  1. Nancy Tate Mitchell via Facebook says:

    I did it already. What a super cool idea!

  2. YAY! Let the egg hunting begin :-)

  3. Nancy Tate Mitchell via Facebook says:

    Did you get a winner yet?

  4. We’ll be announcing the winner this afternoon! Hang tight everybody!

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