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Sweet little Madden just may have the most well documented life of any child EVER :-) From the moment that our wonderful friends Meghan & Matt found out they were pregnant, Meghan started a blog called “Dear Sweet Pea” and started to write about her pregnancy, post pictures of milestones (big and small) and track the highlights of his little life even before he was born.  I can honestly say, we’ve enjoyed reading it every step of the way!  The “Smart/Collins” bunch (Matt, Meghan, Erryn, Molly, Lydia and now Madden) have become near and dear to our hearts over the years.  We shot their wedding, then several years of portraits of the two of them and Meghan’s 3 sisters and their maternity session.  When Madden made his entrance into the world on January 31st, we were SO excited to take his very first photos!

(Please click here if you’d like to be notifed when the rest of their photos are online.)
AND don’t forget to click “love” under your favorite images along the way!

Introducing, the newest member of the Smart/Collins Bunch – Madden! (aka “Sweet Pea”)

Animals are a pretty big deal in this little guys house!  He’s got 6 furry brothers & sisters (4 dogs and 2 cats)!  I’m pretty sure he’s a fan already.

This hat should help him fit in with the rest of the crew ;-)

LOVE this one! We actually grabbed this shot “in between” poses while Matt was helping Madden get situated and calm.

Break time! Also known as snuggle time with Mommy & Daddy :-) LOVE that Meghan and Madden are sharing this little moment :*-)

Matt’s been living in a household of girls for a LONG time! I think he’s pretty stoked to have another man around the house!  So adorable watching the boys bonding.

Madden’s nursery is too cute! It’s decorated using elements from the movie “Up.”  One of Madden’s aunts, Erryn, even made the model house on the wall above his crib!

Can’t help but appreciate the sign on the door.  Totally a testament to Meghan & Matt’s approach to this awesome new time in their lives.

AND the window looking into his room made for an awesome photo op!  Love, love, love!

A beautiful new family :-)

Madden was so funny and cute with his little hands!  Kinda looks like he’s rockin’ the “thinking man” here, doesn’t it?  It’s quite the head scratcher.

We’ve been lucky enough to take some gorgeous shots of Meghan over the years.  I think this one is gonna start climbing the charts.  Motherhood looks pretty darn good on this girl!


Tiny fingers and tiny toes.

And of course, the “Sweet Pea” costume!  CUTEST. THING. EVER!

I think Madden wanted to prove he could look like a stud even dressed as a pea pod so he pulled out this face.  Oh yeah. He’s rockin’ it.

I love that you can see images that we took at their wedding hanging on the wall behind them.  Really brings things full circle.  We feel truly blessed to have been able to document it all.

If there’s one word that’s gonna describe this little guys life, it’s this one …

Madden, you are one lucky kid to be born into such an amazing family!  We have no doubt that you will have a pretty awesome life as you grow up.  Congratulations to Matt, Meghan and the rest of the bunch!  You guys are like family to so many people and I hope you know how special you all are!  We heart you guys!  Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives!

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Madden’s Newborn Session: Phoenix, Arizona

February 10, 2012

Feb 10

February 10, 2012

Newborns, Portraits


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