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Being a wedding photographer is a pretty unique job. We come into our couple’s lives as a vendor – someone they book to deliver a service for their wedding – a single item checked off on a long list of wedding to do’s. What they don’t always realize is that capturing a wedding is an intimate thing. We’re with them through some of the most memorable moments of their lives, telling their story, getting to know their families and friends, documenting every detail so they will be able to remember it when the memory has faded into the distant past.

In order to do our jobs well, we need to get to know our couples – who they are, what they’re about, what’s important to them. We make a genuine effort to learn as much as we can about them before showing up on their big day. The delightful side effect of this process is that we almost always end up with some wonderful new friends :-) Once their images have been delivered, the relationship doesn’t stop there. Why would it? We’re already invested. Even if we don’t see them quite as much or email back and forth about wedding details anymore, we’re still chatting on Facebook, grabbing meals together and reading their blogs as their lives and marriages grow. When they get pregnant or buy their first home or get their dream job – we’re cheering them on. It’s truly one of the greatest joys we have in what we do. This job is not just about taking pretty pictures, it’s about making connections. Connections that last long after the “I do.”

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These are our ridiculously good looking friends Lilia & Lou. We captured their wedding and bridal session back in 2010. When we first met them, we joked about the fact that they were so much cooler than us. She was a writer. He was a musician. They were totally out of our league as far as friends went. Ha ha! But as we got to know them, we fell in love with their easy, unassuming love. I remember having dinner with these two the month before their wedding and talking about their love story. They had both struggled and worked hard on past long-term relationships, but when they finally met each other, things just fell into place. For the first time, love didn’t feel like work – it was easy and comfortable. That’s how they knew they were the perfect fit. No drama, no stress – just love. I remember Lilia saying, “Your relationship shouldn’t be something you need an escape from – it should be what you use to escape from everything else.” (I’m paraphrasing of course – her version was probably much more poetic, but you get the idea.)

Being the wordsmith she is, Lilia actually coined the first un-official tag line for our business, “A happy couple who loves shooting other happy couples.” What can I say? She “gets” us. Four years later, that tagline still describes us to a tee. She started a personal blog shortly after their wedding and we’ve been following their story and her writing career ever since. Not to mention staying connected via Facebook and blog comments.

Lilia recently published her first book, an awesome local hiking guide “Take a Hike Phoenix.” When we heard she would be speaking and doing a book signing at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, we decided to stop in and surprise her with some photos! (You can check out her blog to see a few more pics and learn more about her.) That’s right folks. When it comes to major life events – like your first book – cell phone photos are just not enough!  We’re so glad that we could help her remember such a wonderful accomplishment.

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And of course, we needed a couple signed copies of our own! What can we say? Our R&D brides are pretty amazing! I kinda think being able to call these two our friends makes us a little cooler ;-)  We’re so proud of Lilia and all of her success. AND we can’t wait to cheer these two on for their next big adventure – they’re expecting their first baby in August! Hugs!

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Shameless plug for our awesome friend: If you’re a hiker (or want to become one) check out Take a Hike Phoenix and follow along with our sweet and talented friend Lilia on and on Facebook for loads of hiking tips a great insights on Phoenix hiking trails. You won’t regret it!


Lasting Connections | Lilia Menconi Book Signing

March 19, 2014

Mar 19

March 19, 2014

Acts of Kindness, Events


  1. Lilia Menconi Kummerer says:

    You two are so awesome! We are PROUD to call you our friends and, for the record, we are not cooler than anyone else…but we’re sure flattered that you think so! Seriously, it meant to much to me to have you there and now I have fabulous photographs to remember this big moment. This was such a generous and kind gesture on your part. I’m blown away!

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