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Earl & Nicole

On Thursday, we headed out to The Secret Garden, a beautiful venue in Phoenix, to shoot the wedding of Nicole & Earl.  We’ve been looking forward to this wedding for a while!  We had the opportunity to do engagement portraits for this couple in Sedona a few months back and had such a great time with them.  They are such a fun, loving couple – it was such a joy to see their special day come to fruition :-)  Here are some of our favorites from their day:

The bouquet:

Earl & Nicole

The rings:

Earl & Nicole

Nicole’s dress was so classic and elegant.  I love how this shot of it turned out!  It has a kind of a moody, antique feel to it.

Earl & Nicole

Earl & Nicole

Nicole was such a gorgeous bride!

Earl & Nicole

A few shots of Earl getting ready to go meet his bride . . .

Earl & Nicole

Love the lighting in this one:

Earl & Nicole

Earl and Nicole decided to see each other before the ceremony.

Earl & Nicole

Earl checking out some of the bridesmaid’s handy work.

Earl & Nicole

A few portraits of the couple:

Earl & Nicole

Love this one!  So Nicole & Earl – laughing and having a great time together!

Earl & Nicole

Doesn’t look like we’re in Arizona, does it?

Earl & Nicole

Earl rides a motorcycle so they wanted to have some shots taken with the bike :-)  So fun!  We love it when couples add something a little different to their portraits!

Earl & Nicole

Earl & Nicole

Love this shot of Earl and his guys waiting for the ceremony to begin :-)  It totally looks like we posed this, but Ryan said he just happened to walk around the corner and this is how they were standing!

Earl & Nicole

Nicole and her Dad descended this big staircase to the ceremony.  Check out the view of the mountains behind them!  Beautiful!

Earl & Nicole

It was a lovely ceremony, complete with a very happy bride and groom!

Earl & Nicole

Earl & Nicole

Earl & Nicole

The kiss!

Earl & Nicole

And now they’re man and wife :-)

Earl & Nicole

From there we headed off to their reception at The Estrella Vista Reception Center in Avondale.  Their first dance was so sweet :-)

Earl & Nicole


What a great night – full of dancing, laughter and love.  Ryan caught the perfect moment with this shot of the garter toss.  Hilarious!


And of course we have to throw in at least one silly dance shot, courtesy of the Matron of Honor and her hubby :-)


One last shot of the newlyweds :-)


A big thanks to Nicole & Earl for letting us be a part of your big day!  We’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and wish you guys the very best of luck!

**** CLICK HERE to view a slide show with lots more images from Nicole & Earl’s wedding!

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Earl & Nicole’s Wedding: The Secret Garden

October 13, 2008

Oct 13

October 13, 2008



  1. Samone Randolph says:

    The pictures of your wedding are beautiful! You guys make a great looking couple. Seeing these pictures makes me feel as if I truly now know you (and to think we have been working together so long without any kind of visuals). I promise to load a picture of myself soon so that the relationship we have formed will be complete. Thank you so much for inviting me into one of the most sacred of all cermonies; your wedding. Although I was not personally there; by viewing the photos I truly feel that I was! May God Bless and Keep this union and may you Prosper and Grow with each year!

  2. Angela L. McNamee says:

    Awww, you guys!

    This is the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Thanks for sharing with me. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there and I owe ya one for that! I miss my friend :)

    You guys stay happy and love one another…the rest takes care of itself.


  3. Lori Battle says:

    Mr. & Mrs. Betts,
    As I looked at your most gorgeous wedding photos a tear came to my eye. The two of you exude so much love through these photos. It looks like the wedding was a complete Success and all of your hardwork you both put into it has paid off. Now the fun can start…..Aloha Hawaii!
    I feel blessed that God put us all in each other’s path. I’m looking forward to the day when we all can get together and meet in person. But, for now I will continue to enjoy our growing friendship & work relationship.
    I pray your love last till the end of times and that you keep God 1st in your collective & individuals lives.
    All the best,
    Lori Battle

  4. Daniel Wilson says:

    Earl and Nicole,

    It was a pleasure for me to take time out to come and be a part of your big day. I was honored to be in the wedding party. I must have done something right.

    It did strike me that you guys really do love each other. Any couple that spends that much time staring into each other’s eyes deserves all the marital bliss they can handle. I pray that God keeps you close through the ups and the downs. And remember, Jesus must be the cornerstone of your marriage. As for you and your household, you will serve the Lord!

    Sweet Papa Cool Breeze

  5. Nancy Skiba says:

    Denise and Ryan,
    I really love this one because I guess Earl rides! These pictures are awesome and outstanding the scenery is simply beautiful and Earl and Nicole are a beautiful couple. The Secret Garden is beautiful and a wonderful place to have a wedding! You two, are wonderful photograhers. I am so proud of you!! Keep up the good work! I specially love the photo of them in the bikes mirror good choice!!!

    Love Always,

  6. Shae Johnson-Workman says:

    These are absolutely stunning photos!

    Congratulations to you Earl, and to your new wife. Many blessings.


  7. Earl & Nicole Betts says:

    Hey Denise and Ryan,

    We just love the pictures! Thank you guys so much for being a part of our big day. As always, the two of you were not only very professional, but also added to the fun and special people that we wanted to be surrounded by. Our family and friends were impressed as well. Too bad we can’t take you to Hawaii with us!

    Earl & Nicole

  8. Anissa Gaskin says:

    Your pictures are simply beautiful! It looks lke you all enjoyed yourselves. Congratulations! Please send me your address.
    Love ya,

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